
Abraham Ortelius Map Of Africa

Abraham Ortelius Map Of Africa -

Abraham Ortelius Map Of Africa – The renowned cartographer Abraham Ortelius (1528-98), on his map of the North Atlantic, inscribed ‘Pigmes hic habitant’ (Pigmies live here) on the area we know as the North Polar icecap. . Above: Ortelius’s 1658 map of Iceland showing various mythological sea creatures. Below, a detail of a sea creature labelled H, ‘the greatest of whales’ which could not chase fish but caught .

Abraham Ortelius Map Of Africa AFRICA by Abraham Ortelius | Sanderus Antique Maps Antique Map : Africa is the world’s second largest continent and contains over 50 countries. Africa is in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. It is surrounded by the Indian Ocean in the east, the South . In the 16th century, the Belgian cartographer Abraham Ortelius created the Like a biological version of Ortelius’ endeavor, the Human Cell Atlas project is working to draft such a map covering all .